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Letter’s To The Editor – January 30

Dear Editor,

I am a constituent of North Simcoe and an attendee and participant in some of the events outlined by journalist Derek Howard in his recent articles: “Tiny reaction to supposed alt-right presence heated on both sides” and “Rising alt-right appearances at North Simcoe councils cause security considerations.”

I am offended by the broad and harmful labelling of the concerned North Simcoe constituents as “alt right” by journalist Derek Howard… and the publication of his work by you, the editor of Midland Today, Andrew Phillips.

I am offend by Howard’s slanderous and defamous association of North Simcoe constituents with the “alt right” movement… and its reputation as white nationalists displaying racism and bigotry… and participating in violence and extremism. This type of rhetoric could be considered “hate speech” towards an identifiable group.

I am offended when local municipal constituents, who want to hold their elected representatives fiscally accountable, are labelled “alt right.”

I am offended when local municipal constituents, who want to preserve their private property rights through the Ontario Landowners Association, are labelled “alt right.”

I am offended when local municipal constituents, who desire that their local, elected officials represent their interests… instead of the interests of unelected, global bureaucrats, are labelled “alt right.”

By framing a range of concerns—such as opposition to globalist policies or criticism of government actions—as “alt-right,” the discourse risks marginalizing valid concerns. The labelling may serve as a distraction from substantive debates on governance, policy, and transparency, which are essential for healthy democratic processes.

The media coverage of Midland Today is a poor example of how a journalistic organization should treat tax-paying, municipal residents who are trying to participate in the democratic process. Howard’s rhetoric incites prejudice through negative associations with the “alt right” movement. Journalism needs to be held to a higher standard, where reporting is objective, and not designed to promote one viewpoint as superior. Where journalism is informative… and not manipulative.

Further, it is inappropriate for Howard to draw parallels between the controversial events at Pickering Town Council and the Municipality of Tiny. When councils rely on controversial labels to justify actions such as moving to virtual meetings or enacting new codes of conduct, it risks eroding public trust. Citizens may perceive these measures as attempts to suppress opposition rather than genuinely addressing safety concerns, potentially undermining confidence in local institutions.

While addressing safety, cyberbullying, and harassment in council chambers is essential, the use of the “alt-right” label as a catch-all for dissenting views or controversial figures is problematic. It is imperative to foster dialogue and address threats constructively without resorting to divisive and potentially harmful labelling.

Taudie McLeaming, Tay Township

I would like to thank Derek Howard for his clear and clean reporting on the Tiny Township administration centre issue. I am a resident of Tiny  Township and feel that it is only fair to provide our staff with a decent, safe and healthy workplace. The uproar from some of our very vocal residents seems overblown to me when our council is simply trying to provide a modern and efficient workplace for our staff. I appreciate their efforts and again, your balanced assessment of the situation.

Thanks again,

Pamela Fulford

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