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Anten Mills News

Anten Mills

by Dennis Gannon

We have many talented people residing in our community. When we look at the offerings at the annual Autumn Artisans and Crafters Fair there are watercolour and oil painters. There are book writers and card makers. There are wood workers, knitters and people who make preserves. Interestingly enough we don’t seem to have sculptures. There is one person in the village who has created a fabulous sculpture on their front lawn again this winter. Dennis Laycock has again this year built and sculpted a huge snowman. This is the third year that I have seen his creation and every year it gets bigger and better.   There is a significant amount of work that goes into creating this piece. A base has to be created and maintained. There is the packing of the snow. The snow has to be the correct consistency and then there is the task of getting it up as high as the sculpture is. The temperature is always a challenge as we experienced a melt earlier that took out a big chunk of the work. Dennis has done a great job and if you are travelling along Horseshoe Valley Road have a look at the masterpiece. Knock on the door and see if you can take a selfie or family photo. After all, the Anten Mills snowman is a sight to see and hopefully it lasts until April.

The community ice rink is in full operation now. It took a little longer to get it going with the heavy snow dumps and the cold temperatures. There is a small core of volunteers who are keeping it up and we thank them for their support. Remember if you use it please shovel off any snow and everyone shares the rink at the same time.

One of the ways that funds are raised for our community events is through the signboard along Wilson Drive. If you want to celebrate an occasion, birthday, anniversary or your business this is the place to have it seen. The rates are extremely reasonable and while Roslyn isn’t fond of the snow, you can get your notice booked by emailing

The Family Day long weekend will soon be here and you may be wondering what to do. There are no activities planned for our community but there is one that may be of interest and fun. The Springwater Vespra Lions Club has an evening event planned for Saturday, February 15 called Moonlit Trails and Fireside Tails. It’s a 2.5 kilometre walk, hike, snowshoeing or skiing under the stars and with lanterns guiding the way. You can find out more by checking their Facebook page.

Our neighbours in Minesing are celebrating their 53rd annual Minesing Minifest the weekend of February 7 and 8. It’s always a great weekend with events for the entire family. We have some serious euchre players in the community and on Friday night they are having a euchre tournament. Head over to the Minesing Facebook page for more details.

Our Anten Mills Community Facebook page is a valuable source for information related to our community. We have over 1500 members. In order to become a member there is a questionnaire that needs to be answered and the administrators do an excellent job at keeping out spam. There are some very important but simple rules that are needed for the benefit of everyone and you are encouraged to read them.

In case you aren’t aware, Saturday, February 1 is National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day. Instead of bacon and eggs or cereal why not have ice cream for breakfast. Certainly the kids would get a kick out of it. Sunday February 2 is Groundhog Day. Will we have 6 more weeks of Winter or is Spring around the corner?

This week Brian Keyes has an extremely informative story about how Anten Mills became a leader in forest rehabilitation. Make sure you read his article.

That’s all for this week, as always THANKS for READING, BE WELL and STAY SAFE.















Anten Mills 150 Years 2025-1875

Hendrie Forest …  a first of it’s kind in Ontario

By Brian Keyes, Jan. 26, 2025

The first thing most visitors to the village of Anten Mills mention are all the beautiful trees. Following the clear cutting of forests in the late 1800s and early 1900s by the lumbering industry, the landscape of Vespra Township around Anten Mills looked like a wasteland.  The light sandy soil was eroded by wind and rain. The stumps from the trees were eerie looking remnants that often caught on fire presenting hazards to local residents. On this poor land known as the Commons, local farmers used to graze their cattle on the grass that grew between the stumps. Under the direction of Ontario Premier E C Drury (from Crown Hill) and Chief Forester E J Zavitz the revised Reforestation Act was passed in 1921.

One thousand acres of land in Concession 7, bordered by Horseshoe Valley Road in the north, Nursery Road in the East, Hendrie Road in the south and Wilson Drive in the west was acquired by local governments to become the Hendrie Tract.  In 1922 this was the first reforestation project in Ontario under the new Act. Red Pine, Scotch Pine and  Jack Pine followed by White Pine & Red Oak were planted. This was believed to be the only way to restore the health of the land. Today this crown jewel landmark provides a wonderful nature reserve on our doorstep for the residents and visitors of Anten Mills.

In 1922 the care & nurturing of the new forest was entrusted to a hard working man named Sidney Cox who was the first superintendent.  Much work from planting new seedlings to building firebreaks was required while watching for fires, disease & insects. The Cox family lived in the Superintendent house that still partially stands just east of Wilson Drive/Horseshoe Valley Road (Currently the Vowels house).  Sidney’s son Arthur was also Superintendent after his father.  Later Arthur Cox and his family moved to a house on the corner of Wilson/Horseshoe and fittingly beside Hendrie Forest.

The Hendrie Forest hosted a Reform Camp on Horseshoe Valley Road from 1960 to 1975 when it became a Jr. Rangers Girls Camp until 1975. Thinning operations have been ongoing over the years with softwood trees removed for pulpwood allowing the hardwood trees to grow.  The once valuable water tower used for fire suppression was removed in 1950 when the trees became taller than the tower.

Today people use Hendrie Forest for snowmobiling and cross country skiing in the winter while in the summer there are walkers, many with their dogs. The forest is also popular for off road vehicles year round.

In 1937 on the 15th anniversary a stone cairn was dedicated along Horseshoe Valley Road just west of Nursery Road near the spot of the first tree planting.  If you have a minute, stop by to read the inscription and admire the full grown trees behind the cairn in Hendrie Forest.

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