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Editor’s Notes – What a winter!!!

Wow what a winter! It reminds us of the good old days of standing on snowbanks,  an arm reach from hydro lines. Were the banks higher or the poles shorter? Do children have the same freedoms as us? Is the world any more dangerous or are we being helicopter parents? All the answers are opinions until there is solid proof.

The next goal of this paper is to publish local history. History is the written word of man and not always what has really happened. There are many ways to interrupt the truth. The world sure needs some solid truth.

I still strive to deliver good news and to keep the community aware of the local issues, events and stories. Send me your old photos and stories. Lets build some history in these pages for all to learn from.

Many seniors have some great memories and stories of our local history. Please share them or they will be lost forever.

Let’s discover if the walk to school many years ago really was uphill both ways. Let’s really find out if “kids these days” are really any different from past generations. I need your input and your stories.

Newspapers are our history, so let’s get it right!




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