


Annie’s Journal

by Annie Warner Donnelly, International Correspondent

Hello everyone. As I continue to navigate the difficulties I’m encountering during my recovery, I’m grateful for God’s abiding presence in the midst of it all.

The Bible says that in Christ we are new creations, old things have passed away, all things have become new. Now, all things are of God. I’m grateful to be experiencing what that means.

God is powerful beyond our finite minds to understand. He could have created anything, and He did. He could have created anyone, and He did. He chose to create you and to create me. He used a blueprint. He created us in His image! In deciding to give us life, God gave us the gift of choice. Our ability to choose is irrefutable evidence that, in our relationship with Him, God has never abused His power. He created us to be friends with Him, to live with Him, to abide in His love. He is so mindful of us that He numbered the hairs on our heads. He collects our tears in bottles. He makes intercession for us according to His will. In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, those who have been called according to His purpose; that includes all of us! He comforts us and guides us. Sometimes He surprises us with miracles. When anyone asks for forgiveness, He grants it. He strengthens us when we have need. When we allow our hearts to engage with His, His great love pours into every part of us. We begin to understand how He longs for us to have a contrite heart, to choose to put away self-centred behaviour in exchange for the humble attitude our relationship with God can produce. He helps us become other-centred. Having lived our lives, often in opposition to Him, His promise to never leave us or forsake us takes on new meaning.

Because the next decision we make will be the next step in our life’s story, let’s ask for His help and wait patiently for His answer; it’s always the best answer for us. Waiting to hear from our heavenly Father is not a burden. Many times, I have found joy in the waiting.

When the going gets tough, let’s listen for how He wants to lead us through the situations we’re facing, and let’s watch how He keeps us in His peace that passes all understanding as He does so.

God longs to draw us into His heart as we hear story after story about the promises He keeps. As we live the unfolding story of how He is healing us and growing us spiritually, how He is loving us and comforting us, it’s all about recognizing Him as our loving heavenly Father.

God’s character personifies loving kindness, relational faithfulness and integrity towards us regardless of the infinite power He has. He has such high hopes for us.

With God’s help, we can have high hopes for ourselves as we journey through the challenges we face. May God help us all to continue to persevere. Amen.


A Stranger in Strange Surroundings

Rosie’s Devotions by Rosemary Hagedorn

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 – Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. (NASB)

A man sits, blank eyes staring at a wall. He is unaware of the people who love him, or who brought him to this place. His mind is confused, perhaps wondering over and over again: “Where am I?” “What happened?” “Who am I?”

My husband suffered a mini-stroke during surgery on his carotid artery eleven years ago. I noticed over time that he was slowly declining in his thinking, talking and walking. One morning, I found him on the floor; he had fallen. I called 911 for the ambulance who transferred him to the local hospital where he stayed for almost three months. Over time, my husband lost the ability to walk and talk and he ended up in a wheelchair which made it impossible for me to take proper care of him. It has been two years now that my husband was admitted into a Long Term Care Facility with a diagnosis of Vascular Dementia.

I have been going in to visit my husband and to help feed his dinner as he is unable to feed himself. It is hard to leave my husband after my visits, as he does not know where he is, or why he is in this place or who I am at times. Yet, it is becoming easier for me to not visit every day because I know that he is being cared for physically, spiritually and mentally by the Nurses, Personal Support Workers and Staff at the Long Term Care Home.

As I sit and ponder his and my situation, I am reminded that my husband was not alone, as we are never alone. God was with him even though his mind could not understand. God was with him,  as He is with us, through doctors, guiding their hands and minds. God was with him, as He is with us, through caring hands of nurses and technicians. God is with us, through a letter, a smile, a hug, a compassionate word, and a small kind deed.

Prayer: Dear God, You are with us as You guide the people who help us. You are with us through family and friends, through loving deeds, letters, and words of comfort. Thank You, God, for being with us in whatever circumstance we are faced with. Amen.

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