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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

This has to stop!

We have had reports of concerns of dogs being allowed to run freely, and some being lead by leash, throughout the cemetery.

Some, not all dogs, have been witnessed urinating on the headstones, which are sacred monuments to families.

Not surprisingly,  evidence of defecating as well.

Please remember the adage “stoop and scoop”….. and take it home.

Please respect  the property  for what it is,  a cemetery.  A place where  family members and friends are laid to rest.

A cemetery is not  a dog park.

Elmvale Presbyterian Cemetery Board

Doug Ritchie


To the Editor:

The North Simcoe Bridge and Games Club wish to send a THANK YOU to the Town of Midland for allowing us to lease (at a very favorable rate) the building at 427 Willam Street.  We have made this our home for the last 10 years and we have been very happy here as we were able to renovate and decorate to our specifications.  We held many bridge and euchre games as well as social gatherings with refreshments over the years.

The Town has now declared the building “surplus” and intends to sell the property.  Because of this, our lease will not be renewed or extended and so we find ourselves about to be “homeless”.  We are actively seeking a new clubhouse.

Ideally, we would need a building or part of a building with 1000 sq. ft. or space to set up our tables and chairs.  There must be ample parking.  Unless there is an elevator, the space must not have stairs as most of our members are senior citizens and some have mobility issues. We would like two washrooms and a kitchen area.

Again, ideally, we would have full access 24/7 as we play every week day.  Space should be located in the North Simcoe area i.e. Midland, Penetang, Tiny, or Tay.

If you have or know of such a space, please contact Terry Purser at 705-543-9181.

Gail Chapman, President North Simcoe Bridge and Games Club

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