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Can I Have My Roses and Pollinators Too? By Christine March, Master Gardener, SCMG Recently I joined both the Huronia and Canadian Rose Societies - and immediately felt guilty for doing so. With the planet in such peril, with what we know about climate change, and the impact

By Jason Weening July 15/24-Did you see the last issue’s article all about eating “prairie oysters”?  If you didn’t you’ll have to hop over to the Springwater News website and get updated.  “Mmm, so good,” as the Costco sample lady says.  Since we were so excited

ONE TIME EVENTS Thunder Bird Day Sat. July 20, 2024  from 10am - 4pm Coldwater Mill, Coldwater www.thunderbirdclub.org   Lifelabs Closed July 25 to August 5 and August 23 to Sept. 7th To Schedule an appointment, call 1-877-849-3637 or visit lifelabs.com/book-an-appointment   Wasaga Beach Coin and Stamp Show August 17, 2024  9am - 3 pm YMCA

Annie’s Journal by Annie Warner Donnelly, International Correspondent Hello everyone. As I continue to navigate the difficulties I’m encountering during my recovery, I’m grateful for God’s abiding presence in the midst of it all. The Bible says that in Christ we are new creations, old things have passed